"THROUGH THE EYES OF A GENTILE" is the autobiography of Irene Laster and her search for God. In her book, Irene takes us through a journey from 1971 to 1985 as she struggled to raise her three sons, Alex, Paul, and Michael. It's a story filled with trials and tribulations, drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuity and hatred of men, and ultimately, discovery of God. Upon turning her life over to serving Yeshua, the Lord allowed Irene to experience personal deliverance, allowed every chain of bondage to be broken, and allowed her to experience many miracles.
However, little did Irene know that this transformation would lead her to become a "Ruth" and serve the Jewish People. In 1981, through an answer to prayer, God led Irene to a Messianic Jewish Synagogue where she found her true calling. As she continued to grow in Scriptural knowledge and understanding, the Lord opened up His Word to her concerning God's heart for Israel and the Jewish People. This revelation was like a removal of "blinders" and for the first time in her life she knew what God was asking of her; to become a "Ruth". As a result of this unique anointing, Irene has led a number of Jewish people to their Messiah and has touched many lives for the Kingdom of God.
But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God." (Ruth 1:16 NASB)
Although she had no desire to remarry, the Lord had others plans, and brought Irene her "Boaz". In 1985, Irene married Yossi Laster, a Messianic Jew, and their life together, serving the Jewish Messiah Yeshua began. The Lord blessed Irene and Yossi, giving them two beautiful children, Tovah and Joshua, who were raised as Messianic Jews. In 1986, Yossi adopted Irene's youngest son Michael, who became a Laster. Over the past 25 years, Rabbi Yossi Laster and Rebbetzin Irene Laster have led two different Messianic Jewish Synagogues in Texas and Florida.
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Blessings in Messiah Yeshua,
Rebbetzin Irene Laster